How is your New Year going? I have to say for me, 2024 is off to a great start. I installed the ceiling mural in my client’s dining room and wow, what an impact! I am not quite finished, I have to create a design for the perimeter and complete the wainscoting. I worked with two new-to-me paperhangers and they made quick work of it. My client requested that I add a little something that has special meaning to them; a robin and a dove. I was more than happy to oblige and am very pleased with how they turned out.
As soon as the mural was hung I got on a plane for LA. I originally had planned to drive across with my kitties like I did two years ago, but this time I couldn’t afford the time. I was so happy to see Evan, this was the longest we have gone between visits.
Off to Los Angeles
I hit the ground running, working with a client of my own thanks to Instagram. She was inspired by the mural I created for the Southern Living Idea House and wanted something similar for her dining room. My friend and fellow decorative artist Claire Ouimet helped me knock it out. We were made to feel so welcomed with little drawings by one of their daughters. We even got to pet baby bunnies! I added a little personal touch to the mural by including the family and their furry friends.

After finishing up, we joined back up with Evan where he was working on restoration of the Pasadena Civic Auditorium. The Auditorium was originally built and completed in. 1932. “The historic Pasadena Civic Auditorium, its grand lobbies, and resplendent Gold Room can be seen in episodes of “America’s Got Talent,” “American Idol,” “So You Think You Can Dance,” “Scandal,” and “NCIS.”” The original artist. Italian born Giovanni Smeraldi, created grand murals executed in a Mediterranean Revival style with Greek influences. It was amazing to be up close to the work and I even experienced my first earthquake on the. 60’ boom lift!

Painting and more Painting
We also worked on restoring some Stations of the Cross for a Catholic church. They were all signed by Innocenzo Daraio. I got curious and decided to look him up. It turns out he was an apprentice of Smeraldi and actually worked on the Pasadena Civic and was primarily responsible for all of the decorative painting in the Biltmore Hotel in downtown Los Angeles! Quite a small world!

All work and no play…
But don’t worry, we did manage to get some fun in as well. For my birthday present, Evan took me to see the Eagles with Steely Dan with our friends Bent and Joy at the Forum! We had dinner at the famous Lowry’s Steakhouse in Beverly Hills.

We went to the Rose Bowl Flea where I scored an antique 1886 crazy quilt for $20! We also visited the Hollyhock House and the Biltmore to see some of the decorative painting, and Evan and I hosted a football party with a bunch of friends. So sad that both of my teams lost, but the company made up for it.