West End Studios Logo
Mark your calendars!!Deelite Design will host the first art opening for artists at the West End. Sculptors Bill Knapp, Barry Sheehan; Woodworker Ewan Tulis; and myself, will have works on display for purchase. Preview Party Friday Evening.
This will be a two day gallery show, Pop-Up style. The show commences Saturday evening so be sure to stop by and bring your art lover friends! Lots of great art for sale! More Information
Preview Party: Friday July 11, 7-10
Show: Saturday July 12, 10-6
About West End Studios:
Technically still Main Street, the West End of Historic Ellicott City is home to several working artists. Currently there are nine artists within the area: blacksmiths Barry Sheehan and Sam Salvati, Sculptor Bill Knapp, Woodworker Ewan Tulis, Painters Dee Cunningham, Laurie Hansen, and Chuck Gamber, and wood turner Dave Calloway.
About the Participating Artists:
"My intent is to make the viewer wonder. 'Does it work, will it run or maybe what does it do?' Although some pieces may be strong with just their elements, I prefer that the elements relate to each other and and come together to appear to perform a function. That function may appear mechanical, animal, or figurative. My studio includes a small warehouse of parts that talk to me. They come from the internet stores, antique shops, and dumpster dives. Friends often leave things at my studio door that they know I'll recycle."
Barry Sheehan: "I am a master craftsman with a primary focus in metals and traditional blacksmithing. My artistic philosophy is life is in motion and motion gives art life. I use a minimalistic approach to sculpture in order to create a restless energy that can arrest the attention of any viewer and allow them to interact with the piece. I use familiar imagery such as the human figure caught in motion in order to create an imaginary reality that involves the sculpture and the space around it. My process is difficult but simple: fire, water, impact, and pressure."
Ewan is a woodworker by heart. His day job of doing construction and home improvement allows him the pleasure of building sculptural furniture that often includes exotic and reclaimed woods and vintage hardware and metal. His work includes gracefully shaped pieces with curved lines as well as lightly refined rustic pieces that speak of their previous life.
Working as a decorative artist my job is to paint for others. Solely commission based up to this point, my work is custom made for the client. I will paint anything from abstract to photo realistic styles in order to achieve my clients' vision. After much discussion and personal reflection, I hope to complete my first body of work for my own artistic expression in the next year.