I'll show you mine if you show me yours... — Lenehan Studios

I'll show you mine if you show me yours...

I've decided to start a new series where we share our work spaces...I hope to post more photos as people share them with me. If you have some you'd like to share, email me at dee@deelitedesign.com I've always loved exploring how other artists organize and use their space for work and inspiration. I've asked some of my artist friends to share photos of their spaces.  What was so surprising is how embarrassed they were about showing their space! As if a messy studio was a sign of failure! I know when Im working, my space blows up.  After each project I have to reset; clean up, put things away, reorganize. When I'm working I am in the moment. As my mom would call it, it looks like a dumping ground! (Keep in mind, both of my parents are neat freaks so having a mess was a n0-no.) Back when I first started working as an artist, my time was split between my basement and my parents' basement. They had tall ceilings where I could do murals. Nothing is better than being able to leave and shut the door without worrying about who's going to care about my mess!

My studio: in current condition...



Storage underneath tables that roll, paints on metal shelves, and storage above for things used less often. On the mural wall, a work in progress. The wall itself has been used as a practice surface for large scale glazing.



Ladders and scaffold against the wall, and to the right of the frame, my spray area. Currently being used as storage.

Without further ado, here are some other studios who's owners have graciously allowed us to peer inside. Enjoy!

My neighbors Bill Knapp, billknapparts.com and Barry Sheehan, barrywsheehan.com, who share a space...they are metal sculptors. Each have their own separate businesses but share space.






Bill's area



Barry working.

My other neighbor, Zach Bowler's studio. He is a ceramic artist. I love what he's done with creating a lounging area in the back.

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My friend Jeanne Shnupp works in Long Island and does decorative painting like me... jeanniesdesigns.com It seems we all have a need for places to store things!





Arlene McLoughlin's space. She also works in Long Island as a decorative artist. arlenemurals.com





Thanks for sharing your spaces with us!