A Still Body, A Not-so-still Mind, and being Thankful

“In order to be open to creativity, one must have the capacity for constructive use of solitude. One must overcome the fear of being alone.”― Rollo May

IMG_4784Lake Huron at Port Austin, Michigan, July 2013

Some of you may have known that I had minor knee surgery last Wednesday. I had my left meniscus repaired. Who knows how I tore it but it reminded me that it was there if I stood for too long, climbing a ladder, riding my bike, or twisted wrong. I was supposed to have the surgery this past winter but because I wanted to go to France,  and the doc said not to fly for 6 weeks after surgery for fear of a blood clot, I decided to postpone it and go to France. Wouldn't you?

If you know me, you know I am never still. I'm always trying to squeeze something in to a 5 minute lull. Since I have had my surgery, which I strategically scheduled before Thanksgiving ;) , I have had curtail my activities. Its been a very easy surgery, compared to when I had my sinuses done along with a tonsillectomy. (That was a nightmare where I lost about 12+ pounds and one night passed out cold on the bathroom floor from not eating + oxycodon.)

Unlike the last one, this time I've been able to forgo the meds after the first two days and have been lucid and aware that I am sitting on my rear for 10+ hours each day.  Its been the first time I've been grounded in a long time.  It has given me a lot of time to do things like watch tv and go on facebook and sleep. And time to reflect about this past year as well as look forward to what 2014 has in store for me. Back during my post about not having enough time in a day, I rambled about all of the things I wish I could do. Well, now I have some time to reflect, sit down, and plan those things. Sitting here thinking, its been a really good year for me. I've been in my studio a full year and don't know how I got along without it.  I love my neighbors there and feel part of an artist community.  I love having a space that's mine to do whatever I want artistically.  I am also very fortunate to have great clients who trust me to do some incredible projects. Although I have so much more I want to do and try, I have to count my blessings that I've been able to come this far.

So stay tuned to see what plans I have in store for 2014....!

And, have a very Happy Thanksgiving.