Thank You!



Thank you to everyone who made it out to Budeke's last night to check out Golden's Proceed(c) line of decorative finishing products. We had a great turn out of about 20 or so people.  Lori Wilson and Pamela Hernandez ;) made the 6 hour trek from New Berlin, New York for the Open House hosted at the Timonium store.

A little history...When I went to college at Towson, it was recommended by my painting teacher to buy Golden's Retarder. I thought he was being insensitive but in fact "retarder" is meant to slow the dry time of acrylic paints which dry incredibly fast.  So fast that if you are blending some brush strokes, the next time you visit your palette the little mix you made has dried to a crisp film.  Then you are doomed to have to mix the EXACT COLOR again.  UGGH! (FYI: They name all of their products in English so there is no confusion on what they're designed to do.)



Fast forward to my foray into decorative painting. I had heard about Golden's new line of Proceed Decorative Painting System Products and found that they make slow drying acrylics. WOO HOO! Now when Im painting large expanses of spaces I don't have to deal with heart palpitations when Im trying to blend colors. BUT I have to mail order everything.  Bummer!



Then I met Lori at a class in Connecticut at Creative Evolution Studios. We chatted and struck up a friendship.  She invited me up to the Golden Factory and I took her up on it. And as they say the rest is history.



I approached Bryan to see if he would be interested in carrying Proceed so that I have a place locally to find great products right off the shelf. We are hoping to have a workshop in the near future for decorative artists who are interested in exploring the Proceed line and how it can be incorporated into their repertoire. If you are looking for more information on what Proceed is and how it works,  check out their "Proceedepedia" site that shows formulas, faq's, and video tutorials.



A BIG thanks to Bryan Koerber, his wife, the staff at Budeke's, Lori Wilson, Pamela Hernandez, Howard Thaller, and everyone else who made this event happen.  Please let me know if you have any questions or interest in knowing more about future events with Golden's Proceed Decorative Painting System at Budeke's.

Disclaimer: I am not paid by Golden OR Budeke's.  I just like good paint.