Proceed Workshop a Success
In June I organized a Golden Proceed workshop for local International Decorative Artisans League (IDAL) chapters. Members from Capital Area Decorative Artisans (CADA) and Greater Maryland Decorative Artisans (GMDA) gathered at GMDA's regular meeting place, the Howard County Center for the Arts, to learn about the Proceed line of Decorative Painting Products made by Golden Artist Colors from Lori Wilson, CS. Budekes Paints and Decorating (who now stocks Proceed) helped make the event a success by providing lunch and prizes for attendees. We had a full class with artisans from Virgina, West Virginia, Maryland and even Pennsylvania in attendance!
The event had been in the works for quite some time. Last April 2011 I was talking with Lori Wilson and Howard Thaller at Salon in Atlanta about being able to buy Proceed locally. I knew that my local paint store, Budekes, would be a perfect fit. It was just a matter of convincing them that they should carry the line. I also wanted to be able to purchase product off the shelf that I use every day and not wait days for shipping.
A year later, Budekes now carries Proceed and has been a great help with providing local decorative artisans and painters alike with exceptional products and service. Thanks Bryan!! (I don't get any money from Golden to promote Proceed, I just like their product and their philosophy.)